Privacy Policy
Personal information
Personal information refers to information or opinions about, or from a person who is identified, or who can reasonably be identified from that information. We respect the privacy of the information we collect, store and disclose. We take all reasonable steps to keep your information secure with appropriate safeguards, including password protection, controlled access and data encryption; however the transmission of information via the internet (by way of email or other service) is never completely secure, so we can’t guarantee security of your data and any transmission is made at your own risk.
This applies to everything we do, including visitors to our website and social media channels. By using our media you consent to our privacy policy. We take our obligations seriously and have implemented practices to comply with United Kingdom law. We do not make any representations about third parties; how they use personal information, or how it is linked to ours.
Collecting information
We collect personal information for a variety of reasons, including:
More effective response to requests
Planning and management of our media and services
Improve or support the services we provide
Customise your experience
Network analysis and system administration
Maintaining security
Ensuring business continuity
Maintaining business records for audits and reporting obligations
Compliance with legal or regulatory requirements and defending or pursuing litigation
Investigate complaints about us, or you (if we have reason to suspect you are in breach of our terms and conditions, or have engaged in unlawful activity)
What do we collect
We do not collect all the types of personal information listed below. We may only collect one or two items relating to a particular person. The information we collect and hold may include:
Name and occupation
Contact details; email address and phone number
Information about your computer; our website pages you visit, location, IP address, operating system and browser using “cookies” or “applets”. This de-personalised information helps us analyse usage and enhance the experience we provide
The kinds of interactions where we collect all, or some of your information can include:
When you contact us, submit a request or comment
When you enter a competition
When you register or create an account with us
When you post material to our media
When using our media we may ask you to “opt-in” to consent to our sending you communications, use or disclose your information. We will comply with your decision should you decide to “opt out”.
Retaining and disclosure
We hold on to your information only for as long as necessary, after which we take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify it. We only disclose your information with trusted partners for the purpose, or related purpose it was collected. When requested or required, we may be obliged to share your personal information with United Kingdom Government agencies.
Occasionally we use external businesses to manage our media and some are overseas. Your information will only be shared with third parties who are committed to maintaining security and confidentiality in connection with our services.
Reviewing your information
We take all reasonable steps to ensure your information is accurate and you are entitled to access the information we hold about you. If you wish to review, or make changes please contact us. In rare circumstances, we may refuse to correct your information, in which case we will notify you of our reasons and the process for taking your request further.
Changes to this policy
We regularly review our privacy policy to ensure it is in accordance with best practice and legislative changes. Any changes will be incorporated into a new version and made available on our website. The most recent published version will apply to how we use your personal information.
Concerns or complaints
If you have any questions, comments, requests or issues please contact us immediately. We treat all complaints seriously, and investigate all issues brought to our attention:
Intellectual property
Copyright © serves to protect the Intellectual Property “IP” rights of all work originated by companies or individuals and is automatically assigned to the author (without any requirement for registration) from the moment it is created. All work produced by Jo Collins Style including the content of this website is considered to be our intellectual property.
we retain copyright
We retain copyright ownership of our work primarily for promotional purposes; so potential clients, partners, employees and contractors can see our work and breadth of capability. Should we relinquish ownership of copyright we would be severely restricted in what we can do.
We work in immersive partnerships with clients and are frequently exposed to sensitive or confidential material during the course of our work. Client confidentiality is of paramount importance to us and under no circumstances do we divulge information which would compromise or embarrass them in any way. We always discuss with our clients our intention to publish our work and always seek their approval prior to do so, where their identity can be easily determined.
Employees and third parties
Ownership of copyright enables us to protect the interests of our clients (both present and past). To ensure there is no infringement of these interests, all work produced for Jo Collins Style by employees, contractors and suppliers is considered to be the intellectual property of Jo Collins (except where there are provisions under United Kingdom copyright law). However, we value our trusted network of suppliers and usually have no problem should they wish to promote work they have been involved in for promotional purposes – we simply ask them to contact us first to ensure this will not compromise our clients, or Jo Collins Style.
More information
If you would like to know more about our policy, or have any questions please contact us.